Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Chapter 4

The first installation of artwork we looked at was 'Annlee You Proposes' by Liam Gillick, the artwork in on level 5 in the Tate, its based on 'No Ghost, Just a Shell' using the shell symbol from the well known Shell Garage, advertising it.
The whole room is based in a virtual animated space mixed in with phisical architerital space using cubes placed on top of each other, placed around the room, mixing bits of phisical everyday life furniture such as wallpaper on the walls, lamps and T.V's. There was 3 T.V's placed in the room all next to eachother that had the animated ghost girl talking, the room was also very cold which made me feel nervous, cold, and the feeling of someone watching me. This room made the art come to life by using these techniques and making me feel if we were in a room with a ghost by the temperature of the room. When I went into the next room it was the same video playing but this time in a pitch-black room with a cinema like screen. The room next to this one the lighting was different it was all white and had bright lighting and had posters and white neon lights shaped as the ghost girl staring at you, giving the feeling she is watching. It was quite creepy to me.

The next installasion of art work we saw was called Untitled (blood + feathers), it was projected onto the wall, in a dark room with cosey souroundings it made me feel more easy about it. The video was a naked coloured women standing near a lake, covering herself in blood then rolling her self in swan feathers. I thought that this was abit wierd at first but i think that the concept was that maybe she wanted to symbolise freedom and beauty by trying to be a swan.

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